I’m still out in the wilderness in a back pain sort of way. I do see a tiny light at the end of the tunnel. For any of you who sit too many hours a day without your back supported, stop it. It’s the worst thing you can do and you’ll end up like me one day. I sat on the edge of my chair leaning forward for long hours every day, for years. Dumb move.
My dear friend Liz Posmyk from Bizzy Lizzy’s Good Things has graciously shared her recipe for Dark Chocolate Almond Fudge and it reminds me of winter days when I was a child watching my father make fudge. I always got to lick the pan. Here’s Liz’s recipe.
When I heard that my lovely friend Maureen was in pain and out of action, I knew that, despite the miles between us, I could whip up something to make her feel a little better. Please enter ‘dark chocolate almond fudge’.
I first saw the recipe on Mary Younkin’s Barefeet in the Kitchen, which, along with The Orgasmic Chef, is among my favourite blogs. Back in January 2014, I promised to share the recipe with my readers, but somehow it always found its way to the backburner. Well, the timing is perfect. Enjoy xx
- 1 can sweetened condensed milk (note, I used skim quite successfully)
- 2 cups dark chocolate buttons
- ¼ cup unsalted butter
- 1 teaspoon almond extract
- ½ cup chopped blanched almonds, plus 2 tablespoons whole almonds for topping
- Grease an 8-inch square tin and line the base and sides with parchment paper.
- Combine the condensed milk, chocolate buttons and butter in a Pyrex bowl, pop it into the microwave and cook on medium-high for 90 seconds.
- Stir to combine, then cook for 10-15 seconds further if needed.
- Stir in the almond extract and the chopped almonds.
- Pour the mixture into the prepared pan and arrange the whole almonds over the top in a neat pattern.
- Chill the fudge until ready to serve. Slice and serve.
- Store any leftovers in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to a week… should they last that long!
Thanks so much to Liz for sharing this recipe and her wonderful photos. This recipe is so easy to make with only 5 ingredients and heated in the microwave, there’s no excuse for a chocolate craving. As you can see, it’s also pretty enough to give as a gift.
It really means a lot to me when someone special offers to share a post with me.
This fudge looks so easy to make and could most definitely make any situation a little bit better and a little bit happier
Hope you feel better, Maureen!
My pleasure darling Maureen… just rest and get better! xxox
Do you have a weight measurement for the chocolate?
I don’t but when I make the fudge, I’ll weigh it and post it on the recipe.
I made it a few times a while back, but did not weigh the chocolate… the original recipe didn’t give the weight either. Apols.
Oh no Maureen, I sit on an exercise ball all day every day! Think I should swap it out for a proper chair rather.
Mandy xo
Isn’t Lizzy such a sweetie to share this on your blog – fabulous recipe!
Hope your back is on the mend and that you will be able to whip up a batch of this soon.
Get well soon, Maureen. I am sure a piece of this fudge will help.
Maureen, sorry your back is still giving you trouble. Hope things get well soon. Lizzie, how nice of you to post this! And what a terrific recipe — chocolate and almonds play wonderfully well together, don’t they? And I can never resist fudge! This looks delightful — thanks.
I love, love fudge and this recipe looks great. Maureen, I hope you get better soon.
Wonderful! The post, and LIzzie’s gesture, not your back pain, which I was hoping by now would be under control… those things do take time, though
my best friend in Brazil is going through a similar problem, she works in her computer basically all day, and now is suffering from what seems to be a chronic back pain, that sometimes puts her in horizontal position for days.
a warm hug going your way…..
Maureen, you will not believe this! I was about to write you an email to see how things are going, then I saw your e-mail with this recipe/post. I am so sorry to hear your back is not well. I hope you get tons of rest! And I love Liz’s chocolate fudge. Be well, friend. XO
Sorry about your bad back … enjoy the fudge. It looks delicious and sounds so easy to make.
Awww I’m so sorry you are in pain Maureen…I suffer from lower back pain due to years of dancing and neglecting to heal the pain
So I know how you must feel. What a sweet gesture to post a recipe just for you
Heart melting…
Oh, thank you Maureen and Liz – this style of fudge is so delicious. Yeap, back pain is a real @*!#&* Maureen, hope you get some relief soon.
Thanks Rachel, enjoy xx
Maureen and Lizzy, thanks for your cheerful “dual post” (despite things, Maureen… wishing you well from afar… and what a lovely ‘get well recipe’ Lizzy!) Who wouldn’t be cheered by dark chocolate almond fudge?! Thanks for your advice on “posture,” too, Maureen… I so hear ya. xo
Thanks lovely Kim xxx
Never knew it was easy as that to make them. Will definitely try that out this weekend
What a sweet dessert and what a sweet friend! The fudge looks divine, so I’m sure it will help. Feel better, Maureen!
What a lovely recipe and a kind thing for Lizzy to do. Hope you are resting young lady!! xx
So sorry you’re out of action Maureen. Back pain sucks! I’d say a few pieces of fudge would help though right? Thanks for sharing Lizzy!
My pleasure Claire xx
Hope you feel better Maureen, so nice to have Liz help you out. This fudge looks like it would make anyone feel better, looks delicious!
You are killing me with all this decadent stuff, Yummy! So sorry for your back, have you tried the Teeter Hang up yet ? I have one in my living room, and tough it is obvious not a piece of nice furniture, it is so worth it for your back and neck. That thing works !
Awwww…I hope you feel better soon Maureen! The fudge looks out of the world and it’s so sweet of Liz to come up with this decadent treat.
Thank you xx
Maureen, so glad you see are seeing a little light at the end of the tunnel. Stay strong! Hello there Liz, it is so nice to meet you. This recipe s the perfect way to cheer up a little friend, a 10 minute chocolate fudge that is out of this world. Take care, BAM
Thanks so much, and you also! xx
So lovely of Liz to post! And, Bobbi, if you are not subscribed to her – take five minutes out now and click!!! Maureen: naturally the sitting does slow ‘recoveries’ down . . .methinks one can stand the pain and cope with it, but any dizziness attendant really messes around with one’s life!! DO think of you every day and fingers and toes crossed . . .
Thanks so much for your kind words, Eha x
I’m so sorry to read you’re still in pain and out of action. Hope you feel better soon and you get to make the fudge for yourself – who knew it was so easy
I hope your back gets better soon. It is no fun to have back pain. The fudge looks wonderful. Looks nice and creamy and just plain yummy. I love the almonds that are added to this fudge.
What a great recipe via Lizzy Maureen! I reckon that this dark chocolate almond fudge is exactly what you need to get better every day!
What a lovely thing for Liz to do. I’m SO sorry you’re still in pain, luv. XO Last week was hell week for me in the pain department, so I’m deeply empathizing with what you must be going through. Wishing you rest and healing. XO
This has got to be the easiest recipe to making chocolate fudge. Your photos looks incredibly delicious Maureen!
Hey Maureen!!! I feel so sad to hear your back is not well. The chocolate and almonds play wonderfully well together. What a sweet recipe you share. Hope you get well soon.
Microwave fudge sounds dangerously easy. Hope your back gets better soon Maureen! I’m sitting straighter in my chair as I type!
Maureen, even when you are in pain, you are thinking of us. I hope you’re looking after yourself well. Thanks to Lizzy for lightening your load!
I am not a really fun of fudge as I find them often too sweet, but this one look so tempting and I like the condensed milk in it…
Thanks for the recipe Maureen…my husband will like this. Have a lovely rest of the week
Hope your back is better soon and you are pain free when your sister visits. I find pain to be a real energy drainer.
Never knew fudge was so easy to make.
I have been so completely exhausted in all this and never put 2 & 2 together to see that the pain was what was wearing me out. I’m much better than I was but I still have so far to go. I will be 100% when Carole gets here in August though. I’ll be ready to run with them wherever they want to go. I’m so determined to get past this.
Maureen, do feel better soon. The fudge looks delightful!!!
Oh My!!!!!! What a luscious way to eat chocolate. I consider chocolate daily necessity.
Oh, poor you Maureen. I hope this sorts itself out soon.
In the meantime I think chocolate fudge is the very best prescription! xxx
Hope you are feeling better Maureen. Back pain is the worst.
This fudge really does look delicious. So sweet of Lizzy to share!
Big hugs Maureen, hope you are back in full swing soon!
Sorry to hear about your back pain Maureen, I hope you feel better soon. The fudge looks awesome can’t wait to give it a try!
The fudge looks perfect and how kind of Lizzy to offer support and help. I’m sorry to hear your back is taking a while to improve but that does seem to be the way of backs – there’s no easy fix for decades spent crouched over a computer screen. Little by little, I hope you’re getting better xx
How creative!. It is so delicious. Thank for sharing. I love chocolate. I’m going to try it now
Fudge is my dangerous weakness. I bought a 8 oz package last week and it was done in 24 hours.. I’m bad. Your chocolate fudge looks delicious.
Fudge is always a good idea! This looks just perfect. I do hope you get so much better soon, Maureen. Have you tried doing “cat cows”? Google it if you haven’t – it’s an exercise I do every day now and it helps so much.
I didn’t know that’s what they were called, but yes, that’s part of my routine. My exercise routine takes 40 minutes twice a day, the rolling of my back takes 20 minutes in 5 minute episodes. I AM better but I never realised it was so bad. Much of the electric shock pain is gone. I’m on the right track. I know I should be cooking, photographing and writing but for the first time in my life, I’m putting myself and my health first ahead of my responsibilities.
How creative.It so yummy,Thanks for sharing this yummy recipe.I’m going to try this…
5 best chocolate recipe
Point taken, thank you for the reminder! I really hope you feel better very soon.
I love Bizzy Lizsy’s blog, so many delicious recipes. I like that she used skim condensed milk and that it worked out perfectly. I can’t wait to try this delicious recipe.
Yum! It looks fantastic and I can’t believe how easy it is. Hope you’re back will be better Maureen, there’s nothing worse, I’ve been there. It really does incapacitate you!
Ugh. I’m so sorry your back is still bothering you
But so nice of Lizzy to whip up this marvelous fudge for you—so yummy!
Sad to hear your back is still hurting… I’m suffering from a terrible neck pain that I gained through the years from … guess what? baaad posture :(. I hope you’ll be better soon.
This recipe is a keeper I have lots of fudge lovers in my home.
I do hope you back gets better soon, it’s a shocking ailment to have…this recipe couldn’t have come at a better time…school holiday began today and with a chocolate loving youngster I shall put him to work…x
Fudge means summer to me! I love going to all the touristy places each summer and I know there is at least one that will be selling fudge! I make it every winter holiday but in the summer I yearn to go on vacation just to find fudge! Hope you feel better soon, Maureen. I must admit to noticing that the more i sit, the more my back hurts. Well, now the puppy gets me up and around a bit more often. Feel better soon and I hope she sent you some fudge in the mail!
Aww..Hope you feel better soon. Not fun being in pain, hugs and prayers.
That’s a good looking fudge there, anytime it involves simplicity, I’m in.
Maureen, Liz and Mary — This looks like THE quickest, easiest fudge ever! I’m not much of a candy eater myself, but I’d sure make this for a friend. Maureen, I hope your back is better soon. I used to sit at my desk for hours at a time without a break, but then I started making a point of getting up and walking around every hour (I even set a kitchen timer to remind me). It really helps.
Would you believe that I’ve never made fudge…I think I need to change that soon.
That was so sweet – on several levels! The fudge will certainly make her feel better soon. Lovely!
oh yum!!!!
Hope you are lying down enjoying a book or a movie or 3 Maureen :)) xx
I’m stretching, exercising, rolling my back with that rubber torture thing and moaning. More moaning and groaning than you’d expect from a grown woman.
I’ve always been a huge fan of fudge. I just love how sweet and creamy it is!
I hope your back is feeling better soon. I’ve suffered from back pain before I know how debilitating it can be. Hope this fudge makes you feel better!
Oh my. That looks like perfect fudge. I should never make this, because I laugh at the whole “serves 24” – I have no self control when it comes to fudgey goodness.
I adore fudge, it is one of those sweet treats I turn into a crazed Miss Piggy hoover lady and cannot/will not stop until there is none left in the house. Dangerous eating really!
I do hope your back gets better quick smart. I am guilty of sitting at my desk for hours without a break, not even really moving, some days I have to set an alarm to go off every 30 minutes to ensure I move around and sit up straight.
Feel better Maureen. And happy weekend to you too.
….That is literally exactly how I am sitting now and have sat for my 28 years. My dad has always teased me for perching forward even in the car – I didn’t realise it could be a serious thing. Thank you for the heads up, and I’m sending you a billion healing thoughts and hugs xx
I haven’t made fudge in too long. This looks so good. Perfect with a cup of tea
Oh no! If this is easy, then it will EASILY be ADDICTING too!!! ha ha ha!
I’m pretty sure that chocolate is a recognised cure for back problems. I’m sure I read that somewhere …
If it’s not listed somewhere it’s only because people don’t want to share.
Nice of you girls to share this decadent dessert. We love the way it looks – neat, chunky. Alesah gives extra points for choosing “dark” chocolate, her fave lol.
Julie & Alesah
Gourmet Getaways xx
Very nice dessert girls ! Chocolate is always a good idea ! I hope you feel better Maureen !
Maureen, I hope you feel much, much better and enjoy the fudge. It looks divine!
This looks so good, fudge is one of my favorites. Of course I can’t indulge very often but love making it for gifts too! This looks like such an easy recipe, YUM!!
Oh fudge is the best, I love these rich and indulgent squares!
Feel better soon Maureen. Back pain is the worst. I am so guilty of sitting endlessly at my desk for hours without proper support. Xx
i have a soft spot for all things condensed milk! haha so sign me up for some of these… please?
Lizzy ,.. your fudge is absolutely gorgeous! It looks so creamy. Bet it melts in your mouth! What a nice recipe to share while Maureen is down. Maureen, hope you’re feeling better!
Hi Maureen. As soon as I read your post, I straightened up in my chair! This fudge looks so deliciously smooth and super easy to make. Love the addition of nuts. Definitely going to give this one a go. Thanks
I love making Maple Fudge with macadamia nuts in it.
What a lovely gift this would be, yummy
Lizzy’s first picture of the fudge successfully made me drool … profusely!
This fudge has all the charms and yum-factor to make one drool … well, profusely
Lovely to see Liz here on your blog.
Mmmm i love homemade fudge!
I love how easy this recipe is and the fudge looks so creamy.
Very interesting that you include condensed milk in the recipe. When we make Filipino desserts, we commonly used condensed milk instead of the regular milk and sugar. It makes the dessert creamier and richer. Thanks for sharing this easy-to-do recipe. My niece, nephew and I, we are chocolate lovers.
thanks for recipes, i have a question, this dish have good for runners, i want to weight loss ?
This is fudge. Nobody is going to lose weight eating fudge.