On Sunday morning my friend Deb invited me for coffee. I never go out for coffee because I’m always working. I went this time because I work from home and sometimes I really miss girly talk. I can talk to John but I can get as much reaction from talking to the wall if he’s got some programming thing he’s trying to sort out in the background. Men can’t do two things at once.
Deb and I went to a lovely cafe on Lake Kawana and sat outside facing the beach and the lake. There were mums and dads and kids everywhere with kids playing in the sand, two little boys fishing from the pontoon, skateboarders and people eating and people walking the path around the lake. It was an idyllic setting. Did I take photos? No, I was out for fun with a friend, but I when I decided to make the raisin bread with lemon curd I went back and took a photo for you.
I had Charlie in the car with me – he loves to go in the car – so I thought, maybe I should swing by the beach on the way home and toss the ball for him. We get to the beach and there’s NO ball in the car, just the empty thrower thing. (I need a thrower because I throw like a girl I’m told.) Not to be outdone, I decided there must be a driftwood stick we could use.
We looked for about 3 minutes and we found an old piece of bamboo about 1 1/2 feet wide. Perfect. I tossed, he ran. He didn’t bring it back. It took about 5 minutes to teach him that a stick worked like a ball.

Charlie After Stick
It was a lovely winter afternoon at the beach. There were a few dogs and a few surfers and that was about it.
Now where was I? Oh yes, at Lake Kawana with Deb. We ordered coffee and with it we had some fruit bread with lemon curd. Why they call it fruit bread when it’s nothing but raisin or sultana bread I don’t know but maybe it just sounds classier. It was a perfect Sunday breakfast by the lake.
I got up this morning thinking that maybe I should make it for John. He doesn’t have a very large sweet tooth but every once in a while something hits and he’s happy to dig in. One of those days was today.
I made a lovely raisin bread that I got from Nick Malgieri that was really delicious. Then I made the now famous lemon curd from Cafe Terra Blog and Big Fat Baker. I love this stuff. When I was in the states we called it lemon butter but whatever the name, I can’t get enough. The only thing I did differently was to make it in my Thermomix. I know that’s probably cheating but seriously it takes no time at all.
This recipe is a dump everything in the machine, set to 90°C for 7 minutes and bam, it’s done. Put it in jars a let it cool, then keep it in the fridge IF there is any left to keep in the fridge.
- 1 cup sugar
- 80 grams butter
- 2 eggs
- 2 egg yolks
- ⅔ cup fresh squeezed lemon juice (about 3 ordinary sized lemons)
- zest of one lemon
- Place lemons in the microwave for 25 seconds and then roll under your hand to get the most juice.
- Zest one lemon (I used a microplane just because I think it's easiest)
- Place the sugar and zest in the Thermomix and mill for 6 seconds at speed 10
- Add the remainder of the ingredients and set at 90C for 7 minutes.
- Pour into jars.
Isn’t Charlie just the cutest – pre and post stick 😀
And this bread – oh my god – this bread looks super delicious – if not more!
And the curd is creamy perfection – sorry nutella I got something else to spoon now 😉
Choc Chip Uru
Uru, please come to the Sunshine Coast. I’ll make a picnic and we can take Chucko to the beach. It’s only 5 minutes from the house. If you feel energetic, he really likes riding on the back of a kayak down the canal. 🙂
Hope you make the lemon curd – you’ll thank me.
Charlie is adorable and I could just eat the Lemon Curd from the jar. Yummy!
Hi Sandra, lovely to see you and thanks a lot for stopping by.
Ok, I gotta know, what’s a thermomix? It sounds like a must have appliance! I adore lemon curd. I’m pretty sure there’d be none left to store in this house either once I finished with it. 🙂
Julie, a Thermomix is a kitchen gadget that’s been around for 20 years or more but isn’t sold in the US. It’s available in Europe, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and probably other places but those are where I’ve made friends who use it. Heaps of chefs use it for sauces because it chops, whips, grinds (mills) AND it cooks and stirs so you can saute something without having to move it around. It also has a steamer thing for the top so you can make a sauce or stew on the bottom and steam the veggies on top. I love it.
Charlie looks like he’s having a great day at the beach! Delicious combination of the raisin bread with the lemon curd.
Charlie has a great day every day. If reincarnation exists I want to come back as this dog. Sleep, eat, play, get loved on and then do it all over again.
great combo of flavors and I am so gonna make your curd, love it on simple pound cake… and I agree with the others, Charlie is the best dog on the beach
Charlie thanks you profusely. I think I saw his eyelash twitch. He’s laying in the sun waiting for me to move so he can get attention. Glad you’ll make the lemon curd – you won’t regret it!
Love Charlie! Your lemon curd is a thing of beauty!
Hi Jackie, lovely to see you. Charlie is the best except on farty dog day. He is always at my heels or lying next to my chair so if I move I roll over him. He’s sure to wake up and not miss anything I think. That lemon curd recipe is the easiest thing ever.
Charlie is too cute 🙂 Your lemon curd looks delicious, yum! I love that you make it from scratch!
Seriously, lemon curd is dead easy to make. You should try it. The original recipe is called Never Fail Lemon Curd.
HA! Lemon curd!
Terras discovery is haunting me. lol
Everyone is talking about thermomix, those things have not even reached austria…
How much was yours Maureen? I heard they r quite a kitchen luxury.
Can I join you next time for your coffee break? =D
Helene, we’d love to have you come by for coffee. How much fun would that be?? Thermomix is $1939 AUD which is at parity with the US dollar now. We were above for months and months but since Greece took a fall we’re even. They ARE a luxury but a luxury I hope I never have to be without.
You must try this lemon curd. We wouldn’t want to let Terra down, now would we?
Charlie is so cute! 🙂 I love your lemon curd too!! Definitely want to try it for sure.
Charlie’s available for ball throwing exercise anytime you’re in the area. I’ll toss in the lemon curd. 🙂
Homemade lemon curd is such a wonderful treat – and with raisin bread – perfection!
Looks like Charlie had a great afternoon at the beach – so glad to have found your blog – I’ve signed up to follow and looking forward to more!
Mary x
Hi Mary, thrilled to meet you and I’ll be visiting your blog today. Thanks so much for stopping by.
Oh Maureen you are just mean with your delicious treats and your romantic beach :(.
I am in love with your photographs, you always take the best photos.
I can’t believe you said that because I stress more about the photos than anything. I took the wrong lens to the beach – only the close photos are worth a damn. I like the over-exposed Charlie though. John thought I should ditch it but I liked the way it came out.
Maureen, this is a lovely, delicious pairing of two of my favorite things. Your bread looks so wonderful – I would have never thought to serve it with lemon curd!
I wouldn’t have thought of serving it that way either until I had it on Sunday.
I made Erin’s lemon curd last week. And ohmahgaw. I almost died and went to heaven! It is divine!!!
This is beautiful!
I know!! It really is never-fail!
LOL@Men can’t do two things at once – I was just saying that to a friend! Your afternoon with your friend sounded lovely – and Charlie finally fetching the bamboo stick is too cute. On another note, I’ve never used a Thermomix, but if it turns out lemon curd that quickly, with no fuss, I’m interested! Great pairing with the raisin bread, and gorgeous photos!
Thermomix doesn’t sell in the US and I have no idea why but if/when they do, everyone should buy one. Or you can drive to Canada and buy one. I wasn’t sure I would use it enough to warrant the expense – they aren’t cheap – but now I’d sell the neighbor kids’ toys to get one if mine died. LOL It chops, whips, mills flour, mixes, kneads, sautes, steams, boils and probably other things I haven’t learned to do yet.
i’m so glad you went back to take photos for us, and I just love your dog! I love lemon curd, but have never made it before {although I do recall bookmarking Terra’s recipe!}. I had some lemons hang in off my tree right now just waiting to be plucked, so perhaps I’ll be making some lemon curd today 🙂
Good idea! I went back to take photos because I have quite a few American friends and I get, “what does ordinary life look like over there?” As if somehow we have unpaved streets and ride kangaroos. 🙂 We drive on the left, play a lot of cricket and other Australians have accents but really, that’s the only difference. LOL
Charlie is gorgeous! I wish I had a pet of my own…I have a lemon tree in my backyard but I’ve never thought of using it for anything apart from to season fish and things, maybe it’s about time. 🙂
You have a lemon tree and you don’t make lemon curd? You must change this habit at once. 🙂 It’s just too easy and if you’ve got a jar in the fridge you have instant dessert ingredients.
This looks so delicious and I so agree Charlie is so adorable!!
Aww Charlie is adorable. My kids have been wanting a puppy for ages. I also want one too but that will be my 3rd kid (or 4th if hubby included?) and I’m not ready.
Anyway, my gosh, your raisin bread is GORGEOUS! And the lemon curd… that thing will be gone in my tummy in a few seconds. I’m addicted to that, really crazy way. Looks so delicious!
When it’s time for a dog, consider a Cavoodle. It’s a cross between a King Charlies Cavalier Spaniel and a Poodle. Charlie has the best traits of both breeds. They’re really really easy to train.
that looks like a super delicious snack – i just love lemon curd, and yours looks amazing!
oh, you are so fortunate to live so close to a swimming beach! even more, you are so lucky to have a pretty mild-looking winter (this rarely happens in Canada)! the bread and the curd both look lovely (so does the lake / beach)!
Jen, we LOVE living here. It’s the best place we’ve ever lived in Australia.
Ah, this takes me back – I haven’t had a good slice of raisin bread in ages… we used to have it each week when I was a kid. I loved it when it was slightly spiced! Beautiful looking bread and the lemon curd… yum!
I hadn’t either and to be honest I used sultanas. 🙂
The lemon curd looks positively delicious. Great photo!
Beautiful post (and recipe)! I could easily eat lemon curd by the spoonful, so the fact that I don’t have a Thermomix is probably a good thing…or I’d be eating it day and night. 😉
Charlie is adorable!
I love lemon curd! I bet it tastes amazing with the scones.
I love that this is a dump everything in the machine and it’s done in no time at all dessert. It’s my kind of recipe. Your photos are terrific. (BTW –I’ve also really been enjoying getting to know the bloggers you profile on Fridays.)
Wow doesn’t even begin to describe this…lemon curd is such a treat…I’m sold!
I’m a Canuck, how have I not heard of this machine? Apparently I need to get out more.
Love your doggie. Aren’t they just so much fun? I love how much fun they have when at the water.
This recipe is fabulous. I love raisin bread and I bet it’s out of this world with lemon curd.
I can’t believe someone hasn’t tried to demo a Thermomix for you. I know you eat wacky but even wacky food can be cooked in a Thermomix 🙂
That looks like a fabulous breakfast Maureen. I hadn’t thought to put lemon curd on my raisin (I mean ‘fruit’) bread. Love the photos of the beach – looks serene and peaceful xx
Thanks Charlie. btw.. did you ever get my email?
Wow, I can’t help drooling. I just love the raisin bread
Well done!
If you submitted your raisin bread with lemon curd photos to http://www.foodporn.net , I’ll bet they will make you on the home page.
Gosh, you have made me sooo hungry !
I will submit it.. thanks Nina and lovely to see you!
i love your lemon curd 🙂 even white bread with that sounds good!
Latest: Worst in Town
I’ve never eaten lemon curd with white bread. I haven’t had white bread in a long time. I might try it 🙂
I had to read the comments to discover what a thermomix is. That’s so cool…and so weird that it’s not sold here! Well, we finally got Tim Tams so maybe the Thermomix is next. Priorities. 🙂 I noticed you said “mums” so you’re a true Australian now. You’re going to laugh, but for a second I thought you were talking about mum flowers instead of mothers-LOL! Hey, does Australia even have mums (as in the fall flowers)? Just a random question. OK, ANYWAY, this is an interesting combination I wouldn’t have thought of! I do love lemon curd and your breakfast sounds wonderful! Glad you were able to teach Charlie to fetch something besides his ball–you are such a good dog mom! <3
LOL.. I’m from Maine.. we always said mum 🙂 We spelled it mom but it was always pronounced mum so it seems really easy to me.
We all them chrysanthemums here and yes we do have them.
You need to try this combination.. you’ll love it.
I’m going through a bit of a lemon phase at the moment – some lemon spread on raisin bread sounds just right to me!
i love the beach.
Charlie is one gorgeous hound! I’ve never had fruit bread with lemon curd before….now I don’t know how this has never happened because I love each of these on their own. Yours here looks really great and the colour of that lemon curd just gorgeous!
Anna, Charlie is the best scruffy dog I know. 🙂 You should try fruit bread and lemon curd.
Hi Maureen, I love your blog, your photos and this perfect lemon curd!
Terrific to meet you, Elena. Thanks for the comment.
What a fun day!! I would love to visit there…sigh…one day! I just posted about lemon curd a month or two ago. There’s just nothing like homemade, especially when it’s warm.
warm – cold, I’m not fussy when it comes to this delicious stuff 🙂
What a fun day you had with your friend and the adorable Charlie!
I love your bread and the lemon curd.Looks absolutely divine and a perfect combination!
Never heard of Thermomix but it sure seems like a good kitchen gadget to have!
Oh, I love your Charlie!! And giggling at having to teach him that a stick works like a ball 🙂 Your curd looks fantastic…I’d just eat it by the spoonful!
This is droolworhty!
Charlie had great fun at the beach.
I keep forgetting that I can do lemon curd in my Thermomix, but when I do remember it doesn’t last long. I’m more of a spoon girl when it comes to lemon curd – any bread product is just the vessel for as much golden, lemony goodness as I can fit on it.
What’s your favourite Thermomix recipe, Amanda?
never thought of combining the bread with lemon curd, such a great idea
I need to get myself a thermamix–that silky lemon curd alone would be well worth it. Love the raisin/fruit bread, too. Funny that it’s one of my favorite varieties of bread and yet I’ve never tried it. I can imagine them being fabulous together. 🙂
Jean, I wouldn’t part with my Thermomix. I don’t know of anyone who has one who doesn’t love it. It’s not inexpensive but I’d buy another one if this one died.
Charlie is so adorable! I love the photographs.
The lemon curd looks insanely good!
The cafe does look like a peaceful place to be, not surprising that you went back for pictures as well as bringing the pup for some exercise.
The curd does looks silky smooth, between that result and it being a time saver I need to look into getting a thermomix. Your plating does look like a great breakfast for me, sometimes a light meal like this really hits the spot. Enjoy the day!
I gotta make that lemon curd someday. I love lemon, I know it’s a great recipe – but I’ve been too stinkin’ lazy to do it. But I will. I always enjoy reading about your cooking with the Thermomix. They aren’t widely available in the US (at least I don’t think they are – maybe I’m just out of the loop). The concept is interesting, though. Sounds like a fun machine. Good post – thanks.
I throw like a girl too. Oh and I can’t eat lemon curd while I am throwing the ball. I can’t do two things at the same time ;-0 GREG
I love lemon curd and this looks just wonderful with the raisin bread! Gorgeous presentation, love your blog!!
Hi Kelly, thanks so much for the wonderful comment. Pleased to meet you and I appreciate your stopping by. Come again. 🙂
Charlie is a cutie patootie! and I just MUST taste some of that Lemon Curd= Summer in your mouth =D
Squishy, if you come over this morning, it’s all yours. Delay and it will be all gone. 🙂 Lovely to meet you!
Hi Maureen,
I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your blog. I nominated you for an award of excellence in storytelling at FoodStories and mentioned you in my post about it . Here is the link:
OMG Minnie, I can’t believe what you said. I love you to bits. 🙂 I can’t believe you’ve been blogging only 3 weeks. You’re my hero. Thanks a lot, I really mean that.
I so envy you the abillity to just swing by the beach… sigh.. Your curd looks so creamy! I should really try to make it.
Anna, this is the happiest place I’ve ever lived. 🙂 I love it here. Thanks heaps for stopping by.
Awww look at Charlie’s face! How could anyone resist it? Gorgeous looking bread and curd Maureen! 😀
Yum that looks so good – always inspiring!!
Thanks so much! I’m making your macadamia tart today from your website recipe collection. I hope it turns out!
Great recipes. But I am too lzy to fdo that much work….machines and all; which I don’t have in any event.
But loved the pictures of the cafe on Lake Kawana, the beach, but especially Charlie. He is so cute. Just darling. And the story about having to teach him a stick and ball can both be fetched is a hoot.
You should write more about non cooking topics. You are very good. 🙂
Such a great pair! The lemon curd looks so smooth and inviting!
The pictures look gorgeous Maureen and the lemon curd looks really inviting. Charlie is so adorable.
wow great lemon curd and bread and cute dog and lovely beach great post
I love, love raisin bread and will have to check out Nick Malgieri’s recipe. I have some lemon curd in the freezer (just made it for the first time about a month ago), but I do want to try this recipe next time. It looks so creamy and delicious. Your photos are beautiful and so is your dog, Charlie.
Now I am hungry for lemon curd, LOL! Hmmmmm…maybe I should make some this weekend with my sweet Cousin:-) Your raisin bread looks fantastic:-) Charlie is so precious! Hugs, Terra
Without your recipe I wouldn’t have made it the first time! Thanks again.
Maureen, fantastic photos! Charlie is too cute! And this bread with curd looks scrumptious!!!!!!
The bread looks so lovely, and Charlie is ADORABLE. Thank you for sharing with me…and reminding me of the importance of good bread, friends, and slowing down.
Sounds like a perfect day at the beach to me! I’m going to have to check out this Thermomix, sounds like a wonderful machine! Just pop everything in and a few minutes later, lemony goodness.
I love my Thermomix! I use it for something almost every day.
Totally fallen in love with Charlie 🙂
Hi Joy, Charlie is pretty special. We rent him for outings to the beach if a ball is included. LOL (j/k)
Wow! This recipe/foodie website is the best!!! The recipes are orgasmic and I love the
real world layout and story delivered with each recipe. I cant’t wait to try so any of these recipes; where do I begin…..I think with those beautiful sausage biscuits and the chicken,
pistachio gargonzola recipes. Thank you so very much for you all the work you put into
creating this wonderful website.
Best of luck !
Julie! I think you’re my new best friend!!
What type of sugar please? I have coconut sugar or rapadura. Will these work?