You thought I was going to miss out this month, didn’t you? I’d be very angry with myself if I didn’t join in with the lovely Celia from Fig Jam and Lime Cordial’s In My Kitchen monthly peek into what’s going on in lots of kitchens around the world.
This has been a very hectic time for me. I’ve shared that John’s mother is in a dementia unit not far from us and today, this very day, John’s dad Rob is moving in to the same Arcare facility. So I’ll be honest and tell you that my kitchen is a mess! There’s crap all over the house that must sit out so it’s not forgotten on moving in day. The amount of ‘stuff’ one person can accumulate in just over a year is immense.
As I write this post, it’s 7am and Rob is up, showered and is packing. He’s overdone things this week so he’s really sore — on top of the awful arthritis and other things that give him so much discomfort. To be 93 is a wonderful accomplishment and to do so while still at the top of your game intellectually is even better.
There’s been a brand new computer purchased for the move, a new DVD player and a new (and his first ever) mobile phone called “the Senior phone” (nothing smart about it)
Rob’s looking forward to making new friends, joining ‘the men’s club’ where they do guy things and joining in on all the activities. He’s going to miss the food so I’ll be sure to bring things I’ve made so he can have a treat and something to share. Now to In My Kitchen.
A good friend heard me talk about liquid smoke and she’d never heard of it before. I tried to explain what it’s like but I think unless you’ve used it you might need a sniff. Carol was in a store the other day and found this and brought it to me – just so she could take a whiff. It was like show and tell.
I bought some of this tomato chutney to go with the Saturday Surprise Puffs but forgot about it and used something else. Do you ever do something like that where you buy something specifically to go with a dish and then something shiny goes past and you forget all about it? Could be my age.
Finally, John surprised me the other day when he went out with Charlie. Charlie came back with a nice new necktie. Apparently the dress shirt didn’t fit but he bought the tie anyway.
If you want to see what’s going on in nifty bloggers’ kitchens, click on over to Fig Jam and Lime Cordial for the big list on the right sidebar. Visit them all, you’ll really enjoy the peek.
I know you are going to miss Rob…and I am too….it’s hard getting old, even if one is at top of the game. But I am sure he will make the most of it…..sometimes I really wonder how it is to stare at the years passing by, knowing it’s time any day….but to do that in the twilight years is a blessing, and yet it’s not a happy blessing……
I have always said I love these posts. But I love Charlie’s tie the most.
Oh Maureen – I know you are going to miss your father-in-law. I hope he is happy about the move and looking forward to a new and exciting experience. Will he be close to his wife?
OMG that tie is adorable! My kids wanted to get our pup a bow tie we found at the store – LOL! I’m sorry to hear about your father-in-law. My mother is showing early signs of dementia, she’s 72, and it’s sad to watch. Life is full of precious moments, so we have to hold on to them tightly and cherish them.
Rob is happy to settle in at the nursing home. It’s 5-star accommodation where he’s got people to look after his needs 24/7, activities throughout the day, excursions on a bus every week, concerts, happy hour and new friends. We were struggling to work and make his life fulfilling.
That’s a tough move.
I’d say, the tie fits perfectly! Adorable
I hope Rob makes a ton of new friends and does all the guy things he has planned. He will surely miss your food.
Of course I have always forgotten something I bought or made to serve with a specific dish and remembered it after the guests left. Thankfully I never forgot the main entree.. ( that would be devastating lol )it was only chutneys and dips or an extra salad .. Ha!
and Oh that tie!!
So sad … I know you’re going to miss that appreciative and sometimes challenging audience in your kitchen. Guys who have pretty ladies bringing them food treats on a regular basis make a lot of friends, fast, so I know John will be pretty popular at the care facility.
The blue tie is very flattering to Charlie.
Maureen you have so many wonderful recipes in your blog, this is not my first time here, but I had to congratulate Rob, 93! That is a true blessing. I wish him the best of luck, health and good new friends! Charlie looks adorable!
Oh Charlie you adorable little thing! Good luck with the move Rob.
Best of luck in getting your father-in-law moved. It sounds like he is set to enjoy this new life, and that is half the battle with a big change. And Charlie looks adorable in his tie!
All the best to Rob. If he is like my brother he well soon be the most popular man there. I send him…and you and John….my blessings during this transition.
Wishing Rob all the very best, he really is quite a dear! I’m sure he will quickly make new friends as well as charm the ladies at Arcare! Now that colour really suits Charlie, please tell John he is quite the fashionista! Lotsa love xox
Love these posts! And my best to Rob. Sound like his outlook is incredible and that’s probably one reason he’s 93! Not to mention the fact that it seems he has such wonderful support. Good luck with the move!
I hope the move went well. I’m sure it was a lot of work for you with all the packing and shifting and organising then cleaning up the aftermath. I do hope Rob settles in well and makes friends and enjoys all the activities. It must be sad once you get to that stage of realising that you can no longer look after yourself and you need help – especially after having such an impressive career. I love Charlie’s new outfit – he looks very professional! xx
The aftermath hasn’t been cleaned up.
John is racing to make sure that EasyRecipe plugin is compatible with the big WordPress update coming out and I had to get some work done. The cleaner arrives today and hopefully all will be sorted.
Charlie isn’t fond of the tie and if I’m honest, he chewed the little connector thingie and I struggled to put it on for the photo. We did take him up to the nursing home for a visit. It’s wonderful to see the oldies who really miss having a pet around – they called him, wanted a pat and one poor old dear cried when he went to her, bowed and waited for a pat. (He did that on his own, he wasn’t trained to bow.)
Sorry to hear about Rob heading that way but you’ve definitely been doing what you can and sometimes you have to hand them over to full time care. That happened with my grandmother when I was a teenager. At least she had someone looking after her all the time.
Looks like Charlie is about to head to the office.
You’ll miss Rob! But a lot of those senior homes are really nice. My father is still living on his own (he’s also 93) and I often wonder if he’d be happier in one of those — kids his own age to play with and all. He’s thought about it — he’s on the waiting list at two — but thus far is doing OK. Anyway, love Charlie’s tie! So cute.
Best of luck to your FIL with the move and settling in thereafter. I imagine it will be nice for him to be in the same place (it sounds like?) as his wife even if she isn’t as alert as he is cognitively. I’m sure they will both appreciate your cooking whenever it appears!
It does sound like a hectic time at your house. I will have to try and get hold of some hickory smoke, yum

Puppy looks so cute with his tie
Wishing you all much strength and endurance as you take care of all the details of the big move. XOXO I LOVE liquid smoke!! My Aussie friends have never heard of it either.
I’m so glad to hear that you managed to get Rob into the home nearby. I’m sure he’ll enjoy all of the extra stimulation and company he’ll have and no doubt you’ll enjoy a little well-earned rest. You’ve done your bit, sister, so no need for the guilts.
Maureen, Rob looks really great for 93 years! This move will be good for him to be together with his wife. You will miss him after him being with you for an entire year but I know what it is like to “have your house back” again! I was the care provider for 4 ladies for 16 years in my attached apartment and it was a love/hate relationship. Loved the ladies but hated the 24/7/365. It was time to retire and be back in control of my time/life again.
Enjoy your new adventure. 
Been there, done that ~ not easy in any way and hope the move and the settling in goes smoothly . . My warmest wishes for his fitting into a new scenario . . .
On a totally different topic: you have a botanical print on your wall to the right of the refrigerator – is that a Bertha Noola van Hooten from her days in Indonesia? ‘Cause I am lucky enough to have three of hers on my dining room walls and love them to bits every day I walk past . . .
I’m sure you will miss Rob, but I bet he will enjoy being at the same place as his wife. Love the neck tie.
I’m sure you will miss your father-in-law and I’m sure he will make lots of friends in his new place. That is one cute necktie. Have a good weekend, Maureen.
How fortunate that Rob is moving willingly, so many of my friends’ parents made them feel terrible for the move. I know you’ll miss us witty humor and another mouth to feed! JTs dad is going to be 90 this year and he’s lucky if his dad can stay awake for the entire visit! Just this week he even felt that talking was too much of an effort and started pointing at things. Such a shame, really.
I love this “In my kitchen” series, I’ve really got to participate!
AHHH Charlie!! What a cutie! So the liquid smoke.. I as at a raw vegan dinner a few weeks back and a couple next to us mentioned that it is a carcinogenic. Truth?
BBQ smoke is carcinogenic and so is meat cooked on the bbq. Apparently just smelling bacon cooking is also carcinogenic. In liquid smoke, the smoke is filtered through water and most of the baddies are removed. If you’re looking for carcinogenic free life, you’d avoid most everything I suppose.
I’ve only ever used just a bit of liquid smoke for flavor so I’m not concerned.
These are some tough emotional times you are going through. Virtual hug coming your way. I am sure Rob will miss your home cooked meals. Take care, BAM
Maureen, with all you’ve been through and are going through, I hope you’re taking time (making time!) to take care of yourself. Hugs to you during all the adjustments!
Not yet but next week I’m going to rest!
I’m sure you will all miss your father in law but he will for sure too have a great time there making new friends and engaging in new activities. Nice tie very cute
Your family sounded wonderful, it must be sad to see Rob go. But it’s hard to work and give care and fulfilment to anyone who needs extra help. I hope Rob is very happy and makes lots of new friends. I love the glimpses at people’s kitchens, I’m just amazed you had time to take part with so much going on. GG
Major stuff coming down in your household. Been there, done that. Hang in there, Lady.
I am with all the other Charlie fans. He looks adorable in his tie and he knows it too.
‘To be 93 is a wonderful accomplishment and to do so while still at the top of your game intellectually is even better’…never a truer word spoken Maureen. I love those Beerenberg sauces and chutney labels – playful and cheeky but like you, I have a growing collection because I never trot them out! Lovely post once again sharing a lot more than what’s inside your kitchen. xx
Wow! So much – so emotional – and you took such good care of Rob. (He even has a full head of hair at 93!!) But it sounds like he’s okay with the move, looking forward to being with the guys, but you just lost your sweet tooth fan, right?
This was his decision. The truth is, for anyone with assets, the law have changed about how much it’s going to take to get into a nursing home and the changes take effect on July 1st. He took the last room in the same facility has his wife. So we didn’t move him, he went to save a lot of money. His sweet tooth hasn’t gone far. He called at 7:15am to see if I was coming up with those new granola bars I made.
(he has more hair than John who could be a monk.)
I can’t believe Rob has been with you for a year now. I’m going to miss seeing his lovely face and reading his praise and comments about your food. I wonder who Uncle Steve is? Hope you get some rest this week and some time to yourself x
My, changes. I am sure you will miss him, but I bet the move will be good for him. Living life means changes – doesn’t it? Best wishes to you and yours.
Big move for all of you, Maureen, with Rob moving out. Hope it all goes smoothly! I’ve never used liquid smoke, but I’ve been seeing it a bit lately – always tempted, but Pete’s not a huge fan of smoke flavour, so I settle for smuggling in a little smoke paprika instead. Charlie is looking very dapper! xx
He is a dapper dog. LOL So far so good. He’s not all settled in yet. I don’t think they’re doing his medications in the same way he did so he’s been up all night going to the loo. The bed is smaller and harder. Today we’ll pick up a lambswool underlay. Tomorrow he sees his wife for the first time since moving in. Not going to be pretty.
Thank you for this peek into your kitchen when you have so much going on. Lovely to hear that your father-in-law is looking forward to the social life and activities that will be on offer – it must take a weight off your mind knowing that! I am always forgetting that I have bought something to go with something else as lots of shiny things distract me all the time!
A big move! But it sounds like he wanted it which is the main thing. Hope you and John are OK. I love Beerenberg products and always have a few in the cupboard that I keep forgetting about. Must do a bit of a eat up of some of them over Easter.
I’m sure you’re going to miss Rob!! I hope you continue to keep us informed on how he’s doing. Good luck on the move and the change.
Maureen, that Charlie steals my heart every time. I hope your father-in-law likes his new abode. I wish him well.