I’m an old New England woman. I might live down under now but my roots are firmly planted in Maine. I grew up eating blueberry pie for dessert, baked beans nearly every Saturday night and weekend breakfasts called for waffles with real butter and homemade maple syrup.
Imagine my surprise when I moved down under and asked for waffles one morning at a really good restaurant and I got a plate sized waffle covered in ice cream, caramel syrup and whipped cream. I thought.. “ugh!! This is not breakfast!”
I’d ordered it so I thought I’d pick around the edges just so I wouldn’t sit there looking at my plate wishing I had asked for butter and maple syrup. One bite led to another bite and before long I’d eaten nearly all of it – ice cream for breakfast. It felt wicked somehow, like I was eating something I’d be punished for later.
Recently I read where Humphry Slocombe in San Francisco offers Secret Breakfast Ice Cream – complete with bourbon and cornflakes. I’m not sure about adding bourbon to breakfast but I figure if I could eat ice cream for breakfast the bourbon is only a small step forward. If you’ve tried this ice cream, can you let us know how you liked it?
Mmm.. so yummy! 😀
I think that would take off hear in the states. Start selling back in Maine and call it “Wicked Good Waffles”
When they were younger, I used to give my children waffles and ice cream and chocolate syrup topped with fruit for breakfast! It was all organic – which made me feel not so “naughty” – and if there were any left overs, guess who got them!
Wow this looks like my kind of breakfast.