I know you probably thought I got lost or distracted but no, I’m still here and I’m still loving every one of my friends like you. I was all set for the Christmas season and it was going to be just John and me so I didn’t stress. There were a few parties both here and elsewhere but nothing to get me off track.
Nothing, that is, until we received a phone call from John’s sister telling us that his elderly parents would be visiting us for Christmas – IN TWO DAYS’ TIME! Now I’m not sure how you deal with your mother-in-law but I always stress. She’s a white glove housekeeper who retired ages ago and has plenty of time to keep things tidy.
I’m not a slob but I work full time and have my blog and all the social media that goes with it. I work way more than a full day every day of the year, consequently you won’t find everything in its place 100% of the time and sometimes you’ll find a sandy dog print on the guest bedroom bedspread. (it’s near the front door and he likes to wait for me there.)
I didn’t panic but I was stressing and then it came to me – that little voice that speaks inside our heads. “Maureen, make a choice – do you work or do you spend time with the olds?” (yeah, that’s what the family all calls them) John’s father is 92 today and his mother is 88. This could have been the last time we ever saw them in sharp as a tack mode so the choice for me was easy.
Rather than abandoning my blog, I was 100% involved in showing them a good time. Both of them have a hearty appetite and love big breakfasts, wonderful lunches and terrific dinners. I was so tired by the time they left that I didn’t care if I ever cooked again. A couple of days’ rest and I’m back in full swing and so pleased to catch up with you all.
The last post I prepared never got published before Christmas because I just wasn’t here with you. My apologies to you and to my guest poster, Charlie our cavoodle. Ros McLaughlin, my new photographer friend who did the photos of my cheesecake, is also a pet photographer and she suggested that Charlie and I make dog biscuits for his friends.
The recipe was pretty easy to put together and I already knew my best friend was fond of peanut butter so once he rolled them out I helped him write his friends’ names on the biscuits. I do have to admit that I believe I had a lot more fun doing this than he did. It cost me half a cup of treats to get him to stand on the chair and look interested.
He did try to taste the dough but honestly, don’t we all test the dough or lick the beaters? I’m sure he’s seen me do it.
Once they were out of the oven and cooled, it was time for the ultimate test – did they qualify to wrap up as gifts for Ruby, Frankie, Oscar and the two fluffy dogs I can never remember the names of?
and the verdict??
There you have it, folks, a Charlie approved recipe for peanut butter dog biscuits. He tells me they’d be great any time of the year so if you’ve got a pooch who loves a treat, try Charlie’s recipe.
- 2 cups (250g) wholemeal flour
- 1 tablespoon baking powder
- 270g unsalted natural peanut butter (I used what I eat)
- 1 cup (250ml) low fat milk
- Preheat the oven to 170C/325F.
- Line baking pan with paper or grease pans.
- Combine the flour and baking powder and set aside.
- In a mixer bowl add all the ingredients and mix with an electric mixer until well blended.
- Turn dough out onto a lightly floured surface and knead until smooth. Roll out to 1cm/1/4" thickness and cut into shapes using cookie cutters.
- Bake for 20 minutes or until lightly brown. Using tongs, turn the biscuits over and place back in the oven for another 5 minutes.
- Remove from baking trays to cool on wire racks before letting your best friend taste one.
Happy New Year!
That is way tooooooooo cute. Happy new year my friend!
I had such a good time with this post, Lizzy! I’m glad you came by.
You’re such a good fuzzy person mommy to make these biscuits for Charlie and his buddies.
Hope you have a great New Year.
Is there anything better than a fuzzy dog? I think not. He’s been clipped really short for summer but usually he’s very fuzzy. He swims several times a day and if he has too much fur he can’t climb out the side of the pool. He’s learned he can climb the rock wall, drop his ball, run around, jump in and get his ball and then do it all over again.
Hope you have a wonderful 2013!
The photos are fantastic, and the licking of the chops at the end does say it all, so cute with the little Santa hat on.
Happy New Year.
I loved that photo too. He didn’t much like his hat but he finally realized that the hat had to stay on so he stopped shaking it off. Happy New Year!
My dog is going to be put to sleep soon ? so I’m hoping these treats will let her be happy for when you know what happens… ?
Happy Halloween!
Great story & Pictures! Happy New Year my friend!
Thanks so much, Shelly and happy new year to you too!
Happy New Year!
Happy New Year, Eileen!
What fantastic photos of the dog and his biscuits in the making! I think your choice was the only one you could make. I did wonder where you were but it is the Christmas holiday period after all and many people take a break now, especially Downunder.
I probably should have told everyone where I was but I knew if I logged in I’d start working.
I can’t help myself. I love my blog. Happy New Year, Suzanne!
DO have a happy New Year and thank you SO much for including your four-legged family member: hope I may share him with others!
of course! Happy New Year, Eha!
Those dog biscuits are too cute! Happy New Year, Maureen!
Thanks heaps, Laura, I’m off to check out those scones!
I, too, made peanut butter cookies for my pooch and all of his “friends” for Christmas. He was every bit as attentive as your Charlie was. These photos, though, are incredible and add so much to this post.
I hope you have a wonderful 2013!
Thank you so much for the lovely comment. Charlie ate so many biscuits during the photo shoot that the next day he didn’t want one when I offered it to him. He likes them now though! Happy New Year!
This is beautiful Maureen. I love your dog and his adorable photos. Glad to see you back on board. Have a great 2013 !
Oh Tania how lovely of you to come by. I know how busy you are! Thanks for the comments about my best friend Charlie!
Awww, that’s just so cute! What a lovely treat – Charlie approved
Hope you had a lovely New Year’s celebration, Maureen!
I did and I hope you did too!
Charlie is just gorgeous and I couldn’t help but think you made these ‘cookies’ for me and my dog ‘Rosie’. How funny that two names in my family are the same as two names in your family. I know exactly what you mean by getting STRESSED with family coming to visit. Yesterday was lovely but hell with Carl’s parents arriving at 10am, his brother and his brother’s wife and their three kids meant to be arriving at 10.30 but coming eventually at 12.30pm (yes, 2 hrs late) then his cousin arriving at 4pm (meant to be 5pm) with her (uninvited) parents and staying until 6.30pm when we were by that time already meant to be at a NYE party. It seems we marry our opposite and this is why we have so much trouble getting on with our in-laws and spouses extended family. They’re just so different. Anyway…can’t wait to see you soon xx
you’re supposed to be on vacation. You need to look that up in the dictionary… you’ll see photos of people relaxing and not stressing
I’ll bring some bikkies for Rosie!
Happy New Year Maureen, John, and Charlie.
Charlie is a perfect model and deserves an Oscar for the great acting. What a wonderful and delightful way to start off 2013!
I rate this recipe with 10 paws!
I love the ten paws! Happy New Year, my beautiful friend!
How adorable!
Happy New Year!
aww thanks!
Charlie is so cute! I remember I saw this photo on FB. BTW I’m keeping this recipe for my Cookie, I’m sure she’ll definitely love it to bits
Happy New Year!
I hope you’ll take photos, Ann! Happy New Year!
Maureen, what a great post! Charlie is adorable (and obviously enjoys the cookies!) You are right – spending time with family is much more important than having clean windows! Wishing you and yours a wonderful 2013 and looking forward to more great recipes and your unique take on life! Hester x
aren’t you sweet, Hester! Happy New Year!
Maureen, I think you made the right choice spending time with the parents
And what cute biscuits-I can see that they passed the sample test! 
Hi Lorraine. I know I did the right thing but it was tough
Happy New Year Maureen! All the best for 2013! This blog post certainly brought a smile to my face! So cute! Cheers!
Hi Peter! Happy New Year to you too! Thanks so much for stopping by.
I just want to give your dog a huge hug. These photos are adorable and hilarious. Happy New Year!!!
What gorgeous photos!!!!! I had a HUGE smile on my face through the entire post. All the best for 2013.
Maureen!!!!! So glad you’re back.
This post is adorable and creative beyond measure! How on earth did you get the pup to keep on the Santa hat?? I had so many ideas for cute photos with Belle the Basset, but the Santa hat was a no go in her hound dog mind.
I wish you the best 2013 has to offer. Happy New Year!
Fabulous post, Charlie is soo cute I had to pin him. I’m sure he had a great time making treats and how fab to have gifts for all his friends. Happy New Year to you and Charlie. GG
What wonderful shots and that Charlie is quite a talented baker! So glad you got t spend some quality time with the “olds”. That’s a big part of what the holidays are about, I think. Happy 2013 to you and yours…and Charlie, too!
I was wondering where you were, but figured you’d surface eventually. Glad to see you back. For year I’ve always called my parents the oldsters; I kinda like the “olds” better! Great pictures, and Happy New Year!
Thanks John, glad to know we’re not alone in the “olds” department. Happy New Year!
He certainly looks like he’s enjoying those
Happy new year!
I wish I had a dog so I can make these! Soo cute
Happy New Year!
This is super cute! What a treat!
Happy new year!
What a great post! Adorable — and your dog looks to be enjoying himself so much. Happy New Year!
Fabulous and hilarious photos, Maureen! I love the dog biscuits too (I would be tempted to taste them I think…). Happy New Year!
oh my that is one sweet dog!!!!
Hi Natalie and thanks a lot for visiting. Charlie is my best friend and he’s turned out to be a great cook too
Happy New Year!
It sounds like you made just the right choice, and I am sure I’m not the only one who chuckled at the thought of the dog print in the guest bedroom
These look like lovely treats for a dog who may have had to curtail his foot prints whilst guests visited. Happy New Year now and I hope your 2013 brings much fun and lots of good food.
LOVE THIS POST Maureen! Oh how I wish I had a dog! I have to forward this on to a friend of mine who just got a new pooch! I must say….these look pretty tempting…….hmmm! Glad to see you back and hope you have a wonderful New Year! : )
hahaha that first pic at the counter is way too adorable! Glad you had a nice time with the inlaws and best wishes for a very happy 2013!
Thanks heaps for coming by and Happy 2013!
These dog buiscuits are really looking inviting for my pet dog. Thanks for posting this recipe. Happy New Year!
Such a darling post, Maureen! I totally understand about the house. Mine never used to be such a schweinerei till I started blogging! Your doggy is precious and he doesn’t look the the kind that would need to be bribed in order to pose. He looks like the perfect gentleman, I think maybe you were eating those biscuits, after all they do have peanut butter…….
Chris, when he wouldn’t have one more biscuit for the photo shoot I started to eat one knowing he’d have to have a bite
The next day he wouldn’t touch them.
Quite simply? Too cute. You make me want to pull out the doggy cookie cutters and make my girl happy. She is, like your inlaws, one of ‘the olds.’ At fourteen I just never know how long I’ll have my girl around and she would love to indulge I’m sure.
ADORABLE photos; made me smile.
Thanks Barbara. At 14 every day is precious.
I love making dog biscuits and your puppy is beautiful! Glad you had a good holiday. Happy New Year to you and your love ones – old and new
Charlie is such a handsome boy…I would let him lick the beaters AND the bowl too..how could you say no to that face?
LOL when he visits the cats’ litter box for “treats” I have no trouble saying NO !!!
Wow, I don’t deal well with surprises so you are way better than me
Those photos of Charlie are beyond adorable!!
You are so very lucky to still have your in laws still around and in such good shape. My FIL is only 87 but can barely stay awake for two consecutive hours, and his attention span is even worse. You didn’t mention how well the visit turned out, so I’ve got my fingers crossed that everything went extremely well, I know one thing for sure, they probably ate well.
This recipe is so cute, I was just thinking about making cookies for our little friends, so this recipe comes at a great time. Charlie is adorable and that last photo is priceless.
Happy New Year, Maureen, hope 2013 brings you much happiness, health and good fortune.
They had a wonderful time, Eva, but now they’re feeling that the whole family is pushing them to move from their 13 acre property right in the heart of the bushfire region and 12 km out of the nearest town. At 92 and 88, they don’t need to be trying to fight a fire or figure out how to get away. My FIL is sharp as a tack but his body is giving out and my MIL has begun forgetting words. It’s really sad but neither of them should be driving. It’s very taxing trying to decide what’s in their best interest while respecting their independence.
I don’t envy this part of life, it sure is a difficult time and my heart goes out to you and your husband in having to make these types of decisions. My FILs driver’s license was revoked a few years ago (just can’t pay attention and reflexes are almost non-existant and we were afraid he would kill someone) and he still asks when he can get it back. I think I’d rather shoot myself in the head (easier said than done, of course). I wish you and your in-laws all the best.
OMG, the dog photos–they are priceless! Two days’ notice for visitors? Gulp. You’re a good sport. Happy new year!
I have never made anything for my love dovey dog. Your dog is adorable and he has totally convinced me to make some cookies for my dog.
Sounds like you have a pleasant, but rather stressful holiday (if you can call it that). What a way to work your way out of it by making a treat for a friend that never questions your loyalty and could care less if you house is dirty of clean. Obviously, the treats were well received! Looking forward to seeing what else you have up your sleeve for this year. Happy New Year!!!
pleasant and stressful describe those two weeks perfectly
Oh your dog is absolutely adorable!! Sounds like your mother and father – law are both healthy happy people. How awesome to be getting around that well at 92 and 88 !!!! I hope that this New Year brings you an abundance of God’s blessings!!
Thank you so much Alicia and you’re right, they are so lucky to be at this age and still travel by themselves. We think it’s time for them to downsize from a big house and a 13 acre garden but maybe that’s what keeps them going. Happy New Year!
OMG! Why have I not met your dog – hes so cute! Hope you had a great New Year.
Come to dinner and you can meet Charlie. He’s really good at ball catching, swimming, diving and will do tricks for treats and not just on Halloween.
Your doggie is too adorable and he sure looks like he enjoyed those treats.
Happy New Year!
Hi Wizzy and I’m so glad to see you here! Charlie is my best friend and he felt very special eating his treats but he didn’t much like the cheffing.
I’m so glad Charlie approved the recipe for your cookies. What a delightful post. Your dog is so cute. I wish you the best of health and prosperity in the New Year.
Thanks Frank, and same to you. Charlie is happy as long as he’s beside me and I treat him like a human.
I was still chuckling over “The Olds” when I saw the pics. OMG I fell in love with the first one on Facebook which is absolutely stupendous! And the whole series? Just fabulous! And I love the idea of you and your baby making cookies for his friends. What a fun and wonderful story. Happy Happy New Year, Maureen, and wishing you and your family a brilliant 2013!!
Thanks, Jamie, I’m still trying to get caught up on my work. Too much to do and too few hours but I think 2013 is going to be a good year for us all.
Thank God my mother-in-law is an awful cook and housewife so I know when she comes she loves everything I make lol! This is so anxiety-free! These cookie bones look absolutely amazing Maureen! Have a wonderful New Year!
LOL my mother-in-law was once a very good cook but when she turned 80 I think the tastebuds slowed down and she no longer enjoys eating or cooking. She certainly enjoys eating when she’s up here. She complains she’s eating too much and then goes back for seconds.
Great post and gorgeous pictures, Maureen. Good to see you back on deck, my friend!
Thanks Amanda, I’ve been thinking of you so much when I heard “catastrophic fire danger” in the Adelaide Hills. Scary stuff.
What cute pictures!! Glad that you had a great holiday with family!
Thanks, Erin, it was a lovely family holiday and we don’t get those very often since all my family is in the states and his are in Victoria in the south of Australia. Happy New Year!
awwwwwww…. very cute pictures!
seems like these dog biscuits were thoroughly enjoyed
he ate so many the day we did the shoot that the next day he woudln’t eat one at all LOL
Dear Maureen,
I’m sure it was time well spent with John’s parents and I think you made the right choice. The blog can always wait but precious time with family should always take priority.
Happy new year to you and your family and all the very best for 2013!
I know I did but there’s SO much work to catch up on
Hope 2013 is a terrific year for you both.
I love this post, Maureen. I’m like you – I’d pick family time over housekeeping. Good on you for recognising what’s important – I’m sure your in laws had a lovely time with you.
We’d be great neighbours then!
Wow, 2 days notice for visitors! That’s not much time!! I think I would have left town.
I don’t have a dog, but loving the biscuits! So adorable! Happy New Year!
Lisa, you can borrow Charlie anytime you feel like tossing a ball or going for walkies
Happy to see you back, Maureen, and gosh this post made me smile. Love the pictures of Charlie!
Happy New Year to you!
I love the photos of Charlie baking! Especially that last one where the biscuit is clearly lip-smacking good! Glad to see I am not the only crazy lady who makes treats for her pet and lets him help in the kitchen.
You definitely made the right choice regarding the Olds. Family comes before blog and ensures at least one thing you will never regret in life.
Maureen, I’m playing catch up today and this was a fun post to begin with — what a cute pup! I appreciated your thoughts on spending time with family (that’s why I was gone, too) — no matter how chaotic, last-minute, or stress-inducing, it’s time well spent. Happy New Year!
Oh, it’s so sweet that you allow your dog to help you baking))) I see that he enjoys the process and the result))
Jack, if I am 100% honest, I must have put that Santa cap on his head 10 times and put him back in the chair so many times he gave up and stopped hopping down. He was sick of the biscuits by the time I’d finished the photos. He’s a lovely dog and will do anything and with a clicker he’s really quick but of course I didn’t think of that at the time.
Maureen, this is the cutest New Year post! I love it. That first picture of Charlie in Santa hat is a keeper. So cute!!! I get stressed out too when my MIL or anyone comes to my house. It starts from cleaning the house till there’s no dust. No one asks me to do it but it’s just me. Happy New Year and looking forward to your future posts this year!
Such a beautiful dog! I love that photo of him staring straight at the camera. You made the right decision!
Maureen, your dog is such a cutie! That second photo is just so good. What a fun idea, cooking for all kinds of loves.
He is cute but he’s also a dog. Given a choice between home made treats an treats from the catbox.. the catbox wins
Hi, how long will they stay fresh? I want to bake and give them to my fur clients for Xmas ?
Ours lasted 4 weeks. He ate them all.
Please check labels to make sure there is no xylitol in the peanut butter. It’s toxic to dogs and many people don’t realise it is sometimes included