Orgasmic Chef

Tasting Australia – Words to Go Forum, Adelaide

I’m in Adelaide for Words to Go, a forum (and chinwag) for Australian food and travel writers.  If you haven’t visited Adelaide or South Australia, you should if you are a food and wine lover.  South Australia has a booming food and industry down here and one reason is because the state government pulls out all the stops to promote it. Yes, they need good soil, plenty of sun and good use of water, but unless people know they exist, they’re out of luck.

I arrived at 9pm last night and found Caitlin, an official from Words to Go waiting for me.  That sort of hassle free arrival means I love writing about Adelaide.   I’d been flying most of the day with planes filled with babies.  Crying, screaming babies were beside me, behind me and in front of me.   Nothing parents can do if the babies aren’t happy.

I was taken straight to the Hilton right next to the Adelaide Central Market.  I’ll only have to walk a few steps to get anywhere I need to be.

I’m very near China Town and had the most spectacular baked custard and almond bun for breakfast.  It was lighter than air and John would have said, OMG that’s so sweet.  That’s what I liked about it!

At noon, Tasting Australia got in full swing in Victoria Square across the street.  Ever the inquisitive one where food is concerned, I headed over at 12:01.  From the steps of the hotel the aroma of food being cooked made me want to cross the street like they do in cartoons – floating on the delightful smells.

As I meandered along the pathway, it struck me how diverse the Australian palate is.  There were stalls for Spanish,  Mexican,  Argentinian,  Malaysian and others.  Even the clever fellows from the Hilton were smoking beef brisket for BBC.   THIS American/Australian felt right at home.

Then when I was full of food, who shows up but Joanne from   Joanne is a fellow American/Australian who has lived in Adelaide with her husband Chef Georgia for many years.  It was fun to talk American for a while.

Off to a cocktail party – more soon!


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